What is BiostimN?
BiostimN is a metal cylinder with a helical section which brings the power of the Aura.
How does BiostimN work?
BiostimN helps the human energy field, surrounding the body. Harmonizes, compensates and amplifies the Aura.
Physical Tests
Physical examination of the effects of activated aluminum sheets on the energy of the water. The effect of activated aluminum sheets (such as those used in BiostimN) has been proven.
The research results prove …
An experimental study on the effectiveness of BIOSTIM-N, administered to patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent type) and neurosis
Doctors Comment
Biostim N helps the body to achieve a balance of all metabolic reactions and improves the overall health status.
Frequently Asked Questions
How was BiostimN created? How to wear BiostimN? Effectiveness of BiostimN?