About us

  • 2014Auraactive Ltd is established
    Auraactive Ltd was established in 2014 as a successor of HYDROLOC Ltd, to cover the need for production and distribution of BiostimN
  • 2002Advertising and promoting BiostimN
    Hydroloc was focused on advertising and promoting BiostimN worldwide. The company also continued to expand of its distribution network.
  • 2001Hydroloc starts selling its product to distributors.
    In September 2001, an advanced and comprehensive medical research was completed: “Experimental scientific tests of BiostimN effect on the lipid parameters and blood sugar in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and low glucose tolerance.”
  • 2000BiostimN sells worldwide
    BiostimN starts selling on-line worldwide.
  • 1999Market expansion challenge.
    Responding to the challenge of the market expansion and our ambition to advance/promote the product, we deemed appropriate to register Hydroloc (USA) in the United States and Canada, thus making BiostimN available to customers in North America and wherever needed.
  • 1998Clinical tests
    In the course of the nine previous years Hydroloc scientific team had accomplished numerous clinical tests to study the impact of BiostimN on patients with multiple complaints. As a result we offered our customers a newly designed/redesigned BiostimN.
  • 1996Record sales
    Nearly one million units of BiostimN were sold.
  • 1994A measuring method was developed.
    While studying objective modes of data registration, a specific method was developed to measure the potency of BiostimN. It consists in assessing changes in energy levels of intermolecular bonds in the water/liquid/ environment.
  • 1993Expasion
    Hydroloc began expanding its distribution network. Starting from 1993 BiostimN became available and well known in many countries in Europe, North and South America, as well as Australia, Japan, the Philippines, Turkey and South Korea.
  • 1992 International Conference
    In May 1992 at an International ardiology Conference, held in Canada, the presentation of our product raised considerable interest among participants. An experimental research test was conducted in CINDI demonstration zone on the efficacy of Biostimulator Neutralizer – an energized aluminum plate.
  • 1991American debut
    Biostimulator Neutralizer was sent to /be used by/ the President of the United States George Bush. This was its debut in America.
  • 1990Creating a Biostimulator Neutralizer plate
    As a result of our persistant efforts and based on the company know-how, Hydroloc research team, composed of highly qualified biophysicists, engineers, microbiologists and doctors created a plate that became famous as Biostimulator Neutralizer (BiostimN). BiostimN is an alternative product for preventive health care, that provides delicate balancing/equilibrium of the human aura whenever it is transformed or inhibited /repressed/ by external factors.The work on this product continues from the very outset of the company. It includes a large number of studies, observations and experiments. All test results confirm that Biostim-N is highly efficient and absolutely harmless.

    Along with the sales BiostimN, Hydroloc registered its trademark in each of the following countries: Austria, Benelux, France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Morocco.

  • 1989The company Hydroloc is established
    Hydroloc is a research company whose main goal is to develop objective methods for accurate measurement of the energy levels of the human aura that originate from /depend on the/ physiological states /condition of the body.