Musician, producer, "Forte" music band, Sofia, Bulgaria
BiostimN is part of me now. I wake up fresh and rested.

Maggie Ignatova
Interior designer, Sofia, Bulgaria
The power of BiostimN realizes my dreams and motivates me to pursue them.

George H.W. Bush
USA President
“Thank you so much for your kind expression of concern about my health. I appreciate your good wishes, and I’m pleased to report that it’s great to be back on the job.
1991 “George Bush, then US President, sent this letter of gratitude to us in 1991. He received the BiostimN at a moment when he suffered health problems.

Todor Dobrev
Broadcaster, filmmaker Sofia, Bulgaria
With BiostimN I sleep peacefully. I have the strength and motivation for the new day.

Tsvetelina Ivanova
Designer, Sofia, Bulgaria
With BiostimN I can stay longer at the computer without getting tired.

Krasimira Petrova
Assistant film director, Sofia, Bulgaria
With BiostimN I can ease pressure at work.

Nick Qested
Director, Producer in Naitional Geografic, Goldcrest Films, New York, USA
BiostimN is like garlic to vampires. Thanks!

Alex Jordanov
Journalist, writer, Paris, France
BiostimN urges me to work.
Vassil Petrov
Pop and jazz singer
I always use BiostimN during long concert tours.